Ground Based Training for Winning on Your Feet
Posi-Trak Incorporated is unleashing groundbreaking and proprietary systems to provide unprecedented performance for all athletes, as well as everybody in all walks of life, while providing optimum exercise safety, ease of use, injury prevention and rehabilitation.
The Twisted Mule™
Grind out those push-ups on the Twisted Mule™ and you will see a stallion in the mirror while possessing, on the inside, the optimum functionality of a mule.
In-depth video of clients training at 108 Performance utilizing Posi-Trak equipment and theTwisted Mule™. The QR code you see here will be on the end of the Twisted Mule™ bar of that unit you receive upon purchase. This will lead you to see a playlist of immediate instructional workouts to begin your training.
Jaxon Walker
A freshman baseball player at the University of Tennessee and a proud NIL partner of Posi-Trak, Inc. As a freshman, he’s already making waves on the field, thanks in part to the Posi-Trak equipment that has helped him achieve significant gains in both his throwing velocity and batting speed. Dedicated to pushing his limits, Jaxon embodies the drive and determination that Posi-Trak stands for.
Sebastian Tudor
After graduating from Roane State Community College as NJCAA All American, Sebastion earned his spot on the Portland State Vikings roster, showcasing his natural talent and determination. A longtime athlete, his workouts with Posi-Trak equipment took his performance to the next level, “working on Posi-Trak leg systems in-season, I went up 4-5 inches on my vertical… I cut faster and smoother and jump higher without having to bend my knees as much.” Speaking on upper body strength, “the Twisted Mule™ push up system has increased my strength more than free weights. I finish through contact a lot better.”
Our Services
108 Performance
6614 Deane Hill Drive
Knoxville TN 37919
Who are we?
Posi-Trak, Inc. is a collaborative effort comprised of a team of experienced and innovative college strength coaches, sport coaches, seasoned equipment designers and manufacturing veterans, and experts in the performance health field. With decades of combined expertise, our team is dedicated to designing cutting-edge solutions that enhance performance, meet the real-world demands of athletes and coaches alike, and benefit the general public.
You owe it to yourself to experience the most uniquely effective upper body strength system in existence due to its superiority in building muscle, strength gains, core training, improved joint health and stability, functional shoulder mobility, and firing your metabolism for weight loss and general health improvement.
Insertable removable 17 ½” high assistance post for beginning stage as needed.
Hey, did you know that the base was also a drag sled?!?
Get access to the ultimate super-charged, fast warm-up system that has ever been created. In just 30-45 seconds, the PreCon3 delivers flexibility and mobility results that cannot even be approached in conventional, even 15 minutes in duration, methods. Time saving, fun and a WOW factor for 20-100 athletes warming up for practice or the quick stimulation, recharge, and warm-up routine to return to game intensity after a necessary rest.
The same holds true for the residential users we have waking up in the morning and immediately getting on their PreCon3, and workplace users enjoying energization, relief of lower back tightness, and other joint and foot discomfort.
Our leg systems are in the process of design and production. What you will see is a range from a rough initial prototype to a very advanced prototype. In addition, the three systems can be combined into one until, attached to a rack, or acquired as a single, stand alone units.
We see two things wrong in general with society.
The desire for instant gratification.
Most everybody being knee-quadriceps dominant, instead of being hip-glute and hamstring dominant.
We can’t do anything about 1. In fact, we will make it worse, as after a single workout of exercises - performing balance squats, reverse squats, and two-way resistance squats - you will get next day results. Smoother, faster in your running, easy recovery from yesterday’s training and already feeling the transformation of your glutes and hamstrings carrying the heavier load instead of your quads.
Certainly, you are about to see break-through benefits to get squatting movements in
a) typical eccentric (negative) on the way down, concentric (positive) on the way up on the Natural Balance Squat
b) then in reverse - on the Ground B.U.L.L. - by squatting concentrically (positive) on the way down and eccentrically (negative) on the way up
c) concentric on the way down AND concentric on the way up - two way resistance on the DepthCon2
A breakthrough for training explosiveness safely and with mind-boggling results and ease of recovery.
Doing a facility project and want to be certain you understand the best new concepts for lower body performance, before you lock yourself in for the next 10 plus years? Or if the category of product acceptance-innovators, early adapters, early majority, late majority, laggards-you are an innovator, schedule a real-time virtual meeting with us. We can then work jointly so that you can wrap your head around these unique breakthroughs.
“I fractured my wrist years ago; I’ve since had pain and couldn’t do push-ups anymore. The pain has completely subsided after just two workouts on the Twisted Mule™.”
— Jacob G.